What We Do


MARKET TRENDS and FUNDAMENTAL VALUE. We believe these are the two most important analytics for any investment decision.

Fundamental Value determines the long term investment potential of an asset but can be a poor indicator of price movements in the short term. Market trends (including momentum and overbought / oversold signals) are often leading indicators of future price movements but it is dangerous to use them in isolation without taking into account fundamental value. It is logical to select investments which have the most attractive combination of market trends and fundamental value. Systematic and constant screening of these analytics for all assets provides an objective navigational tool for global investment decision-making which avoids opinion, forecasts and emotion.

We use this methodology to manage the TB Enigma Dynamic Growth Fund and the TB Enigma Global Sector Rotation Fund, both UK-domiciled UCITS  funds.

TB Enigma Dynamic Growth Fund

Global Multi-Asset

Dynamic Asset Allocation


Launched 2017

TB Enigma Global Sector Rotation Fund

Global Equity Sectors

Fully Invested


Launched 2022